Yoga is practiced in India since ancient times. The word Yoga has root in Sanskrit verb ‘Yuj’ means to unite. Through Yoga, man unites with god. This process was described in eight (ashta) parts (ang) by Patanjali. This sage developed ‘Ashtang Yoga’.
The eight yogic steps devised by Patanjali are as follows.1] Yam (general moral code) 2] Niyam (personal moral code) 3] Asana (Yogic posture)4] Pranayam (Yogic breathing) 5] Pratyahara (controlling of senses) 6] Dharana (controlling of senses) 7] Meditation (concentration of mind) and 8] Samadhi (salvation).
For ages, practice of Yoga was confined within ascetics aspiring spiritual bliss.In early twentieth century, Swami Kuvalayananda simplified Yoga for commom man.The third step, Asana or yogic posture and Kriyas (yogic actions) have become very popular. The practice of Yogasanas is done as everyday ritual for fitness.They are also used as yogic therapy. Patanjali described Asana as Sthir (stable) Sukha (comfortable) Asana (posture) in which man should seek Samadhi. Many sages developed different types of Asanas.
Practice of Asanas is different in many ways from Practice of exercise. Postures of exercise are fast. Yogasanas are performed in slow rhythm. Exercise tones body. Goal of exercise is fitness through muscle building.Yogasanas tone endocrine system. Their goal is fitness of body, mind and soul. After doing exercise, we feel energetic. Yoga stores energy and gives kalming effect.
For a layman, benefit of Yoga is “Yoga Karmasu(in work) Kaushalam (efficiency)”. It means practice of yoga will bring efficiency in your work.Yogic therapy is beneficial in many psychosomatic ailments. Simple Asana like Bhujangasana (serpentine posture) can work wonders in backpain.Vajrasana (Diamond Posture) is beneficial for digestion.Therefore it is the only asana which is performed after having meals.
Yet we have to take some precautions. Always do Asanas after consulting a certified Yoga Teacher. Do not wear tight clothes while performing Asanas. Never try to attain final point of Yogic posture by effort. Try to remain stable in Yogic posture without any stress on body nor strain in mind.
Let Yoga be your way of life.